La plume et les mots du Gabon

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28 juillet, 2011

Mystery of Mount Brazza: english text by Steeve Nze.

Classé dans : livres écrits par des gabonais en anglais — azokhwaunblogfr @ 8:14

Mystery of Mount Brazza: english text by Steeve Nze.  dans livres écrits par des gabonais en anglais 9781451231779

Mystery of Mount Brazza, The: Inspired from a True Story

by Steeve Nze

Price: $29.95 Add_To_Cart dans livres écrits par des gabonais en anglais  View_Cart

Product Details

ISBN: 978-1-4512-3177-9

# Pages: 210 Pages

Dimensions: 6 x 9

Format: Softcover

Product Description
Despite the motivational reasons that conducted them to that region, the two geologists still hadn’t figured out why their ways had come together in that mission trip. And this was not going to happen any time soon. To Scott, meeting Eva on the train was just one of the nice surprises providence had placed on his way to facilitate things for him. Providence might really have smiled at the ARCD people by allowing them to discover the treasure they had searched for years, and then by placing company on Scott’s way to make things easy for him. Was having Eva’s company really going to make things be the way Scott wanted? To Eva, the mission trip was viewed from a different perspective. It was the way things were to turn out until they made it to the mountain.

Inspired from a true story:cette histoire est  s’inspire d’un fait réel.

bonne lecture.


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